Regional operational programme

The main goal of the Regional Operational Programme (ROP) is to increase the availability and quality of civil infrastructure and regional facilities.

Fulfillment of the above mentioned target will contribute to the achievement of strategic priority Infrastructure and regional accessibility, which is ''to improve availability of regional infrastructure and effectiveness of related public services". By focusing the operational programme through its priority axes, it complements the OP Transportation, OP Informatisation of Society, OP Competitiveness and Economic Growth, OP Education, OP Employment and Social Inclusion, as it is mentioned in the descriptions of individual priority axes. Through the development of quality and accessible civil infrastructure and in cooperation with contributions from other relevant operational programmes, ROP helps to achieve the objectives of the National Reform Programme in the department of education, employment and information society. Although the operational programme isn't directly intended to support the business sector, its focus will contribute to stimulation of internal regional resources, which will promote established business activities (small and medium businesses) and at the same time it will increase the regions’ attractiveness for foreign investments, which will contribute to the fulfillment of the National Reform Programme priorities in the business environment sector.

The executive authority of ROP is the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic. Financial contribution of ES for this operational programme is 1 445 000 000 EUR. The Regional Operational Programme was approved by the EC on 24.09.2007.


Regional Operational Programme:

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