Information society

Introduction of information and communication technologies, and the increase of effectiveness of processes through their use, contributes significantly to a much greater effectiveness and efficiency of implementation of all the aspects of the knowledge-based society. The knowledge-based society and information-based society therefore do not form two different factors supporting sustainable economic growth and increasing competitiveness of the Slovak Republic.

The main goal of HP IS is the support of greater effectiveness, transparency and quality of priority implementation of the NSRF as a result of adoption and use of the means of IKT. The above-mentioned goal can be achieved through monitoring of specific targets particularly in these three thematic areas: information literacy, effective digitalization of public administration and wide availability of the Internet.

On the political level, the person responsible for the implementation coordination of Horizontal priority Information Society (HP IS) is the Deputy Prime Minister for knowledge-based society, European affairs, human rights and minorities. He fulfils this role through the Slovak Government Counsel for Knowledge-based Society as its director. On the working level, the coordinator of HP IS is the Department of priority coordination for the knowledge-based society, section of European politics and knowledge-based society at the Office of the Government. On the concept level, the Ministry of Finance, which is the central governing body in the area of informatisation, is responsible for the horizontal management and implementation of all informatisation projects.

The binding programme document for implementation coordination of HP IS for the coordinator and the governing bodies of individual operational programmes is “System of coordination and implementation of Horizontal priority Information Society for years 2007-2013”, in which the basic processes of coordination and implementation are defined. You can find this document on the website of the Office of the Government: